Sony’s new AI driver achieves ‘reliably superhuman’ race times in Gran Turismo

FIA Gran Turismo World Tour: Salzburg - Nations Cup
Photo by Clive Rose - Gran Turismo/Gran Turismo via Getty Images

AI agents have bested humans at many games, from chess to Go to poker. Now, the machines can claim a new high score on the classic racing video game series Gran Turismo.

Sony announced today that its researchers have developed an AI driver named GT Sophy that is “reliably superhuman” — able to beat top human drivers in Gran Turismo Sport in back-to-back laps. You might think this an easy challenge. After all, isn’t racing simply a matter of speed and reaction time and therefore simple for a machine to master? But experts in both video game racing and artificial intelligence say GT Sophy’s success is a significant breakthrough, with the agent showing mastery of tactics and strategy.

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