What’s on your desk, Sean Hollister?

Between stints at Engadget, Gizmodo, and CNET, Sean Hollister became part of the small group that co-founded The Verge back in 2011. He has worn a lot of hats in the past decade: reviewing products, running the newsroom, training and editing new writers, putting spicy editorials on the site, starring in a few videos, liveblogging, and shaping coverage where he can. He’s currently a Senior Editor.

Tell us a little about yourself. What do you like doing at The Verge?

My favorite part of the job is blogging about gadgets! I try to do it every day no matter what else The Verge needs from me because I love them to death.

Where did you get your desk and where in your home have you placed it?

It’s in the corner of my home office, right...

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