Snap’s first AR game is a spooky ‘found phone’ mystery

Ghost Phone. | Image: Snap

Snap has launched its first in-Snapchat augmented reality game, a spooky “found phone” title called Ghost Phone. In the game, you’ll work to solve the mystery of what happened to the previous owner of a smartphone, and you’ll quickly learn that things are just a little bit... ghastly.

The core of the game is using the camera on your actual smartphone to find AR ghosts that appear in your nearby surroundings. You’ll complete different types of activities to find and capture the ghosts — for one, I had to track three floating energy balls around my office to make a ghost appear. As you capture more ghosts, you’ll unlock additional things you can check out the “phone,” such as new text messages and more apps.

Ghost Phone is Snap’s take on...

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