Escape Academy has made it harder to mess up your perfect score

Logo for Escape Academy escape room puzzle game.
Coin Crew Games

I loved, loved Escape Academy. I think it’s one of the best, most interesting games of the year, an opinion that is definitely not influenced by my brain’s incessant need to “solve a puzzle, any puzzle.”

I purposefully abstained from partaking in too many previews and demos in order to keep my full experience unspoiled. Then, when the game launched, I devoured it, pacing myself so I wouldn’t blow through it in one sitting. It’s just a really neat puzzle game set in a fantastical escape room school that trains teens to solve puzzles in increasingly life-threatening situations because... why not?

And while I eagerly await the new content updates revealed in the game’s roadmap, I must be content with a new quality-of-life update that is...

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